Monday, March 30, 2009

I don't have any intention of taking over the auto industry

President Obama said this morning that he "[didn't] have any intention of taking over the auto industry." Was it not his intention to give GM & Chrysler billions of dollars thus assuring the US Government a seat on each company's board?

Was it his intention to fire the CEO of GM? If President Obama is capable of firing the the boss of a company, it seems obvious to me that President Obama has taken over that company...but it wasn't his intention.

No, Mr. President. You just proved that the government has EVERY intention of running the auto industry. Now it's choosing who will be the next CEO (UNTIL HE STOPS OBEYING YOUR SOCIALIST ORDERS)...then a new guy will be inserted. Next it'll say WHAT TYPE OF CAR the company must manufacture...then DICTATE THE PRICE...then FORCE ALL TO BE IN THE U.A.W..

It was MY intention to point out your, Mr. President, complete and utter disdain for the America that was created by the Constitution...but I don't have to. You do it every time you talk in front of a camera.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Quality Time With My Boy

My neighbor, who is pretty awesome (not quite as awesome as Jose and certainly not as awesome as me, but quite awesome nonetheless), told me I should cut my lawn because of all the mosquitoes in it. Usually I don't give a shit if someone doesn't like something of mine, especially if it requires me to do work. Plus, mosquitoes don't seem to bite me...probably because my blood is sour and acidic because of all that hate I carry for hippies. But when an awesome guy speaks, regardless of his level of awesomeness, I listen.

So I pushed the lawn mower with Tommy trying to help (really he just hung from the handle like the monkey he is...from his mother's side). We even mowed the neighbors lawn (not the awesome one I mentioned before...the one that shares the front yard). As we destroyed each patch of grass hundreds of bugs ran/flew for their lives. We literally exterminated thousands, if not more bugs. I am the Adolf Hitler of the Insect World and my son is the leader of the bug SS. We have no guilt as we are part of the master race...the human race. I wish we could plow the wetlands of San Francisco and slaughter all of those salt marsh harvest mice. This father and son team is unstoppably awesome.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Do you love America?

I, honestly, believe the Obama administration does not. At least they don't love the America that was intended by our Founding Fathers...the America I love...The America that is One Nation Under God.

Here is an explanation of The Pledge of Allegiance by Red Skelton. Skelton was a radio and TV star that loved his country. Unfortunately, the patriotic Hollywood stars of the past are almost all gone and only a few now respect and are loyal to the true America. Anyway, I got this audio clip and wanted to share it.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Can we build something?

No rant here. No jabs at President Obama's spending spree. Just a question I, honestly, want an answer to. Or at the very least, I want all Americans to answer to themselves.

When will America stop its' downward spiral of outrageous fiscal irresponsibility and impulsive consumer entitlements and start to become a nation of productivity again?

Make something useful. Make something without using union labor. And, for God's sake, make it here with American resources.

Nah, that's just silly talk. Let's just keep letting the Federal Government spend whatever and wherever they choose and when the money runs out...start the presses. Boom, problem solved.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Listen To Me

Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

President Obama is stimulating!!!

President Barack Obama said Tuesday that the country already is "seeing shovels hit the ground" on the first infrastructure repair project funded through the Transportation Department's share of the $787 billion stimulus bill.

President Obama says investing in the country's roads will help to save lives.

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said, "The work begins today in Montgomery County, Maryland, where a work crew is starting on a project to resurface Maryland State Highway 650 -- a very busy road that has not been fully repaired in 17 years."
The resurfacing contract is going to a Pennsylvania-based family-owned company, America Infrastructure, LaHood said.
He said the project will support 60 jobs. "And that's how we're going to get the country back on its feet," LaHood added.

Obama and LaHood on Tuesday announced the release of $27 billion in funds from the stimulus package "to help states create a 21st-century infrastructure."

Now the economy is BACK. $27 billion for 60 jobs. Wow, this is great.