Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's The Land of the Free not the Land of The Freebies

Do not vote for Barack Obama.

What an amazing public speaker this guy is. He is able to convince millions of people he is a catalyst of change by simply saying what the people want to hear. I've been fairly quiet about Sen. Obama, but his commercial last night was the straw on the camel's back.

"That's why my health care plan includes improving information technology, requires coverage for preventive care and pre-existing conditions and lowers health care costs for the typical family by $2,500 a year."

Wow, this guy will save my family $2,500 per year just in our health costs?!? Actually, no. His plan doesn't say anything about the amount of my money leaving my pocket being reduced. Obama wants to spend $50 billion on, "electronic medical records and by improving access to proven disease management programs." Where does that money come from? Taxes. So will his plan put money in my pocket? No, but he sure sounds like he knows what he's talking about.

"I also believe every American has a right to affordable health care."

A Right? You want to amend our Constitution to give this Right? Ok, that would mean everyone who is receiving care would have to prove they are a citizen. The liberal left (Obama's home) doesn't like proving citizenship. In fact, they charge that simply showing ID to confirm you are who you say you are when voting is disenfranchisement. Under Obama, will only Americans be receiving this new Health Care? No, but he sure sounds like he knows what he's talking about.

"I've offered spending cuts above and beyond their cost."

"Here's what I'll do. Cut taxes for every working family making less than $200,000 a year. Give businesses a tax credit for every new employee that they hire right here in the U.S. over the next two years and eliminate tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. Help homeowners who are making a good faith effort to pay their mortgages, by freezing foreclosures for 90 days. And just like after 9-11, we'll provide low-cost loans to help small businesses pay their workers and keep their doors open. "

Obama, you're so vague on what you'll cut and you're so vague on what you'll spend it's impossible to be a non-Kool-Aid drinker and believe you. All we know for fact is you want to implement programs that will inevitably give money to those who don't have it. Well, that costs money. Will Obama be able to make cuts while spending less? No, but he sure sounds like he knows what he's talking about.

There is a word that describes Obama's economic ideal. He believes it's not just fair but patriotic to tax the rich and give it to the poor. Everyone should get what everyone else has. We have a Right to be equal in every way. Not just the person who works should benefit from that labor. The word that describes when the government controls health care, education, the price of goods, how banks lend and makes everything fair is...socialism.

Yeah, I said it. Socialism. It's the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, not the Land of the Freebies and Home of the Depraved.

I'll keep my freedom, my guns and my money,
you can keep 'THE CHANGE'.

Vote for McCain/Palin

1 comment:

beebee said...

Ty for President!!!!!!!!!!!