Friday, November 28, 2008

I told you Wal-Mart was evil

This morning a worker at Wal-Mart was crushed to death by crazy ass shoppers who rushed into the store trying to get Black Friday bargains. I hope the video is shown on national tv so we can see those responsible for murdering that man.

I too went shopping this morning, but I didn't have to kill anyone trying to buy milk and bread. Why can't groceries be cheaper on Black Friday?

Thanksgiving 2008

The Three Fs of Thanksgiving: Friends, Family and Food

And Thank You Sam Adams and Rock Band for your contributions to a wonderful holiday.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


A 46 year old New Jersey man, Eric McKinley, had this to say about his inability to find a compatible partner on eHarmony:

"It's very frustrating and it's very humiliating to think that other people can do it and I can't," he said. "And the only reason I can't is because I'm a gay man. That's very hurtful."

I'd shed a tear for sympathy of his pain, but crying is gay.

A lawsuit was filed by the lonely crying gay man and now eHarmony is forced to have a website that allows for gays and lesbians. eHarmony is also forced to pay New Jersey's Civil Rights Division $50,000 to cover administrative costs.

Now there will be a "separate but equal" website and the lonely crying gay man is getting $5,000 dollars to which his reply was, and I'm not making this up, "fabulous."

This sets a dangerous precedence for these upcoming lawsuits:
Orthodox Jewish Men in the Rocketts
Rosie O'Donnell in the Shamu Show
Rachel Maddow in the North Shore Christian Men's Choir

"It’s time to jump in, it’s time to be part of the deal, it’s time to help get America out of the rut...It’s time to be patriotic." Change you can believe in.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"I guess I wanted the loan so badly I didn't care"

Over two years ago Holly Henkelmann had so much credit card debt that she had to refinance her Escondido townhouse to pay it off. She claims she was not asked for written proof of income, but still got the loan and failed to do the math. The mortgage alone was nearly equal to her income.

"I should have had alarm bells going off in my head," she said while thumbing through the loan papers.

A forclosure notice came in August. As reality set in, Holly decided it was probably a good time to read her loan documents. She found that her reported income was more than twice what she told the loan officer. Yeah, ok Holly. This loan guy lied so you could get money you knew you couldn't afford.

She told 10 News, "I guess I wanted the loan so badly I didn't care."

If this is predetory lending, then some fault should go to the loan officer. Only some because most falls on Holly's incompetence and her need for instant gratification.

My interpretation of the meeting discussing the loan:

Holly - "I have too much debt, so I need to incur more debt."
Loaner - "Well, we can refinaince your home and give you some extra cash."
Holly - "Ok, I'll take it. Where do I sign?"
Loaner - "There are some details we should go over."
Holly - "I want this loan so badly I don't care about those silly details"

Hey Holly, did you buy that shiny new car in your driveway before or after you got the loan?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Boy Named Sue...His Parents Made Him Wear A Dress

We're Here.
We're Queer.
Give us your children.

A liberal (possibly homosexual) judge in Miami ruled that it is unconstitutional to forbid a gay parent from adopting a child. Though the gay lifestyle may be socially acceptable, it is far from being a suitable environment for children. It's one thing for two consenting adults to do what they wish to each other once they get home from working at MSNBC, it's an entirely different thing to force a child to witness such deviance.

Shut up voices in my head! I know there are straight people that are even worse to kids. God will have to deal with them since current Californian law forbids me from performing a late term abortion on child abusers. That may change after January 20, 2009 when the aptly named "Coat Hanger Law" goes into effect. No age limit on late term abortions...Change you can believe in.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fowl Ball

Does our President Elect talk to reporters as some lady gets her fetus vacuumed in the background? Does Pelosi talk to reporters outside her office in San Fransisco while gay men damage each others' colons behind her? No. They have peripheral vision and common sense. I see three possibilities about Sarah Palin talking to reporters as turkeys are being slaughtered in the background:

1 - She has tunnel vision and is oblivious to everything not directly in front of her.
2 - She wants America to know how turkeys in grocery stores get their shape.
3 - She says nothing worth listening to so she needs to divert attention elsewhere.

Hey look, I see a fourth possibility: All of the above.

$6431 a month

And that's only the tuition cost of sending the Obama girls to school. That seems a little excessive to me, but if I had the ability to send my children to the best possible school I would. I wouldn't, however (and I don't), bash the school I have to send them to.

President Elect Obama said this, two months ago, in Ohio:
“It’s time to ask ourselves why other countries are outperforming us in education. Because it’s not that their kids are smarter than ours – it’s that they’re being smarter about how to educate their kids.”

Is he being smarter about educating his kids by keeping them away from public school? Am I putting my kids at a disadvantage by not affording the $57,884 yearly tuition?

Friday, November 21, 2008

Way to go Nebraska!

In an effort to keep dead babies from filling up trash cans, Nebraska adopted a "safe haven" law that all hospitals would accept unwanted children without any pesky questions. All 50 States have some form of this law, but Nebraska is special. Nebraska doesn't have an age limit.

"Since September, 35 children, most of them preteens and teenagers, have been dropped off at Nebraska hospitals." (

Dad: Clean up your room.
Kid: Dad, I'm busy right now.
Dad: Dammit! You know the rules: If you don't obey, we're off to Omaha.
Kid: No Dad. I don't want to go. I'll be good, not like my brothers and sisters. What were their names again?
Dad: I don't remember. I have 175,000 frequent flyer miles now though.

Act now because, at 12:01 am Saturday morning, an age limit of 30 days old will be enforced.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

To Rachel Maddow,

You are so witty. You are so hot. I have trouble controlling myself when your show is on. Your views on America are almost identical to mine, which is to say: You know Everything too. I don't care that your head looks like a penis with a toupee. I love you.

Will of the People

Californians voted to ban gay marriages. However, the will of the people does not rule the land. That's the job of the seven radical Supreme Court Justices. Three lawsuits are allowed to be heard before the court. The lawsuits argue that voters alone did not have the authority to enact such a significant constitutional change.

There was a proposition on the ballot. The people voted on that proposition. That proposition passed.

How is it possible for anyone to think that a majority of people don't have the authority to change government? In May of this year some judges legislated from the bench and allowed gay marriage even after the people voted against it. Why bother voting for something if judges can simply overturn it?

Judges get appointed, not elected, and they have control over our Constitution.
The Secretary of Treasury (Henry Paulson) is appointed, not elected, and has control over the $700 billion ($5 Trillion) bailout.

Am I the only one that sees something wrong with this?

Some days...

...I want to go through my day just wearing shoes and shorts. To avoid any felony charges I'll be fully dressed when I take Emma to school.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Is it too early...

Here are some interesting quotes from President-Elect Obama during his first interview since being elected:

"We need to provide assistance to the auto industry. But I think that it can't be a blank check. So my hope is that, over the course of the next week, between the White House and Congress, the discussions are shaped around providing assistance, but making sure that that assistance is conditioned on labor, management, suppliers, lenders, all the stakeholders coming together with a plan -- what does a sustainable U.S. auto industry look like? -- so that we are creating a bridge loan to somewhere, as opposed to a bridge loan to nowhere."

Huh? We need to give them money why? A bridge loan to nowhere? Our next President has the ability to talk without saying anything. After we give money to the Big 3, who will NEED the money next? Obama doesn't know, but he will keep handing out money. Hmmm, continuing to give money will only add to the $5 trillion debt. Isn't that a problem, Mr. Obama?

"We shouldn't worry about the deficit next year, or even the year after that. Short term, the most important thing is that we avoid a deepening recession."

Of course you only care about the "Short Term". Liberals/Idiots have the "buy it now, pay for it later" mentality. The problem here is that America won't be there to foot the bill. True, America can operate with a substantial deficit (look at the Reagan years). America, however, needs the government, as stated by the Constitution, to maintain a balance of power and allow the people to control the market.

"We have not focused on foreclosures and what's happening to homeowners as much as I would like. We have the tools to do it. We've got to set up a negotiation between banks and borrowers, so that people can stay in their homes. That is going to have an impact on the economy as a whole."

Are you going to allow borrowers to keep their cars that they can't afford too? Is that part of the Bailout? If people bought things they can't pay for, why should they be allowed to keep it? I can't afford to buy a lot of things I want. SO I DON'T! If you can't afford it, don't buy it. Keeping things you didn't pay for is called stealing. It's called STEALING!!!

"I have said repeatedly that I intend to close Guantanamo, and I will follow through on that. I have said repeatedly that America doesn't torture, and I'm going to make sure that we don't torture."

Our troops should do whatever is necessary to keep us safe. Let me say that again.
Our troops should do whatever is necessary to keep us safe.
Four guys were shooting at Americans. Instead of just being killed, they're lined up side by side. "Who sent you to kill us."
Wait 30 seconds.
If the men are silent, shoot the first one in the knee. The men are still silent...except the first guy is screaming in pain.
"Who sent you to kill us."
Wait 30 seconds. If the men are silent, shoot the first man in the head. All is quiet again.
Repeat until all are dead. If they answer the question, a shot to the head is just punishment. You shoot at an American, you die.

By the way, the Geneva Conventions for already made it illegal to torture prisoners of war, but Mr. President-elect doesn't understand that Guantanamo is a detainment camp for militant combatants...not POWs.

Declaration of Independence:
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Is it too early to Impeach Obama?

(I honestly believe that a Recall Election would be more appropriate, but you can't have them for federal positions so I'll take the next option. )

Friday, November 14, 2008

Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, (insert next clip)

November 14, 2008
LA MESA: Two men barged into a La Mesa apartment early yesterday and ordered the people inside to get on the floor at gunpoint, police said.

Officers were called to the apartment on Mohawk Street near Williams Avenue about 1 a.m., La Mesa police said.
The robbers, who said they wanted cash and other items, searched the pockets of one of the residents but did not take anything, police said. They punched one person and ran away. (

President Obama's Cabinet:

Secretary of State - Hillary Clinton (unless she's to be the next Supreme Court Justice)

Secretary of the Treasury - Herb Sandler or Warren Buffet

Secretary of Defense - Dennis Kucinich

Attorney General - John Edwards

Secretary of the Interior - Michelle Obama

Secretary of Agriculture - Tom Harkin

Secretary of Commerce - Warren Buffet or Herb Sandler

Secretary of Labor - David Sanchez

Secretary of Health & Human Services - Jack Kevorkian

Secretary of Housing & Development - Jesse Jackson

Secretary of Transportation - Ralph Nader

Secretary of Energy - Al Gore

Secretary of Education - Louis Farrakhan

Secretary of Veterans Affairs - Ron Dellums

Secretary of Homeland Security - Bill Ayers

Props to Doug Patton and Google for help on this list

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Government Bailout...Good Idea if done MY WAY

How much should the government spend on this new bailout plan? First there was Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac...then AIG...American Express wants to be considered a bank so they can leech off this plan. President-Elect Obama, Pelosi, Reid and other lefties want $50 billion for GM, Ford and Chrysler. When will the handouts end? Since I Know Everything, this is what should happen:

I actually would like to see...get ready for this...American Auto Makers fail. Yes, fail. Just one day. The Domino Theory applies if we stop building cars in the US (dealerships, stores near dealerships, etc), so just one day. Then reboot without any Unions. When the factories open the next day, every employee will get paid for their labor rather than the company paying outrageous wages and pensions forced by unions. Goodbye $78 an hour for turning a wrench.

I would like to see banks that give loans to unqualified people fail. If the bank was required to give these loans by the left-wing "it's only fair" government, then:

1 - The bailout should provide those banks with their money back.
2 - Recipients of those loans should only get back what they paid into the loan (this obviously is not much) and any land, home, or vehicles shall be returned to the seller.

I read this on Yahoo! Finance:

$2T Emergency Fed Loans (the ones the Fed won't discuss, as detailed here)
$700B TARP (designed to buy bad debt, the fund is rapidly transforming as we'll discuss in an upcoming segment)
$300B Hope Now (the government's year-old attempt at mortgage workouts)
$200B Fannie/Freddie
$140B Tax Breaks for Banks (
WaPo has the details)
$110B: AIG (with it's
new deal this week, the big insurer got $40B of TARP money, plus $110B in other relief)

Over $3 Trillion so far. Giving money is NOT the answer. However, in some cases it IS a necessary step as long listen up, this is important...the next step is restructuring the fundamental purpose of that business. The only reason to operate a business is to make money. What you do with that money is at YOUR (not the government's) discretion. If you want to spread your wealth, go ahead.

America is already dead. Fortunately, this bailout (done my way) can allow many companies to do business the right way, the American way. When those who do the work get the pay they earned, the economy will start to grow again.

Unfortunately, some of our highest elected officials will squander this chance at giving America a pulse again. Instead of "Change", there will be more companies getting in line to receive their bailout money. Instead of companies making products and creating jobs, there will be more regulations and more restrictions and more holes for the money to fall through. Get in line for a chance at buying toilet paper, comrade.

Do you know these people?
Tom Donilon
Wendy Sherman
John White
Michele Flournoy
Kurt Campbell

They are part of the CHANGE.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Stay classy, San Diego

Other than a Garvey Home Run or a Gwynn clutch hit, nothing gets the crowd alive like "Hell's Bells" screaming over the stadium P.A. and Hoffman jogging to the mound. Unfortunately, John Moores needs to axe Hoffy to save money since Moores's divorce is costing him 49% of the Padres. Sanctity of Marriage? Anyone?

I should mention that the Padres thought Hoffman should be notified via fax that his services will no longer be required. Hoffman has been with the Padres for 15 years and holds the MLB record for saves and they can't do a face to face. Right off the Phil Collins playbook. I wonder if Mrs. Moores got a similar fax?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Since I'm so important and know everything, my vote should be counted as an Electoral Vote. At the very least, my vote should be equal to 10,000 popular votes. Apparently, the people at the polling booth can't accommodate a being as great as I, so my vote was counted like everyone else's:

Monday, November 3, 2008

Apocolypse Eve

Is this our last day? The odds are sure (left) leaning that way. Will I leave my country? No, but my country has left me.

Goodbye America. You withstood wars both foreign and domestic. Millions died defending what you stood for. And you stood strong. Now a handful of liberal elitists are going to burn you down, under the guise of democracy. Not even a Shakespearean play had this much irony, this much tragedy or this much pain. You're leaving me and you're leaving my family, but I promise to welcome you home with open arms in 2012.