Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Car Czar Schaeffer

Though it's likely to pull America out of this pre-depression, I've decided to officially withdraw my name from the "Car Czar" hat. It would only take me one day to dissolve the unions, kill the EPA regulations, halt all exports of manufacturing & assembly & goods...pretty much solving all the problems, but America isn't ready for the true reform that I'd impose. It would be like teaching cats to scuba dive. You have to duct tape the gear on and throw them overboard. It's not pretty and they won't be happy, but it'll get the job done.

If the deal is made final this week, President Bush will probably ask Mitt Romney to do it. I doubt he'd accept it since he's focused on being VP under Palin in 2012. It would be a cool name though, "Car Czar Schaeffer."

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