Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hey Look, President Obama Has Another Spending Bill

Do you think he'll admit this one is filled with earmarks and pork? Unlikely. This article talks a little about this bill announced today that contains the change you can believe in. This is the second AP article that I've read this weekend that seem to show the tide is turning. The American sheep have stopped listen blindly to the Shepard of Change and started listening to the Shepard of Truth, which is my second A.K.A.. My first is "Lord Ty." President Obama still has an job approval rating of 63%, but it was 68% one month ago. Falling so rapidly that this time next year it'll be 3%. What is rising is his disapproval which has doubled since last month from 12% to 24%. At this rate, President Obama will have every American disapproving of him by mid May. Now that's change I can believe in.

DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent
WASHINGTON – House Democrats unveiled a $410 billion spending bill on Monday to keep the government running through the end of the fiscal year, setting up the second political struggle over federal funds in less than a month with Republicans.
The measure includes thousands of earmarks, the pet projects favored by lawmakers but often criticized by the public in opinion polls. There was no official total of the bill's earmarks, which accounted for at least $3.8 billion.
The legislation, which includes an increase of roughly 8 percent over spending in the last fiscal year, is expected to clear the House later in the week.
Democrats defended the spending increases, saying they were needed to make up for cuts enacted in recent years or proposed a year ago by then-President George W. Bush in health, education, energy and other programs.
Republicans countered that the spending in the bill far outpaced inflation, and amounted to much higher increases when combined with spending in the stimulus legislation that President Barack Obama signed last week. In a letter to top Democratic leaders, the GOP leadership called for a spending freeze, a step they said would point toward a "new standard of fiscal discipline."

(Remember when President Obama claimed to freeze salaries in the White House? That was good, this is better)

Either way, the bill advanced less than one week after Obama signed the $787 billion economic stimulus bill that all Republicans in Congress opposed except for three moderate GOP senators.
Apart from spending, the legislation provides Democrats in Congress and Obama an opportunity to reverse Bush-era policy on selected issues.
It loosens restrictions on travel to Cuba, as well as the sale of food and medicine to the communist island-nation.
(Hmm, being friendly to Communism)

In another change, the legislation bans Mexican-licensed trucks from operating outside commercial zones along the border with the United States. The Teamsters Union, which supported Obama's election last year, hailed the move.
(Time to start paying back the debts of being elected. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.)

The Bush administration backed a pilot program to permit up to 500 trucks from 100 Mexican motor carriers access to U.S. roads.
The legislation covers programs for numerous Cabinet-level and other agencies, and takes the place of regular annual spending bills that did not pass last year as a result of a deadlock between the Bush administration and the Democratic-controlled Congress.
Congressional expenses are included. The bill provides
$500,000 for what is described as a Senate "pilot program" that will defray the cost of mass mail postcards to households notifying them of a nearby town meeting to be attended by any senator.
(I thought he was the "Technology" President. You can't post these notices on the State's website? If people don't have access to the web, they're probably apathetic about government anyway.)

I intented to write about Grandmas this morning, but obviously got sidetracked.

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