Thursday, February 12, 2009

I hate to nitpick, but...

Who am I kidding? I love pointing out the little things that are erroneous in an otherwise beautiful image. Usually the person is so happy and proud when showing off something new. The truth is, they are oblivious to the whole because they are blinded by the novelty.

"Yeah, you're new car is great, but it's dripping oil on my driveway."
"Yeah, your girlfriend has pretty hair, but her teeth look like she chews on rocks."
"Yeah, our new President is pretty cool, but he's fucking destroying our country."

True, the little things can be fixed. A few new gaskets for the car, a paper bag for the girlfriend, and a resignation from the President, the President's entire Cabinet (except Gates), the 233 Democratic members of the House of Representatives, and the 49 Democratic Senators.

I read this article from Clive Crook, here's an excerpt:

FDR changed the country by changing what citizens demand of government. Economic hardship was no longer a private problem. It was the government’s responsibility to provide some measure of economic security. Deploying a modern mastery of public relations, Roosevelt embraced this responsibility; and though the results were not always good, he did his best to discharge it. The country loved him for this.

Is Mr Obama an FDR for the new century? A president has many ways of ruining his reputation, and this is a different world, yet the idea looks plausible. Like Roosevelt, Mr Obama inherits a crisis not of his making. Like Roosevelt, he is brimming with energy to get things done. Like Roosevelt – happy days are here again – he has given the country a jolt of optimism just by turning up. FDR understood that his greatest strength was not being Hoover; he emphasised (and exaggerated) the differences. Mr Obama gets it and does not have to try so hard. Could he be more different from George W. Bush?

History repeats itself.
In 1932 FDR won an election due to a strong media magnate (Hearst) and a weak economy under the previous administration (Great Depression, Hoover). FDR implements the New Deal hoping it will stimulate the economy. Though FDR's New Deal had positive affects on the economy, it wasn't until America's involvement in WWII that her economy became strong again.

President Obama is elected based solely on the mainstream media's endorsement (What, you thought it was because of his experience?). President Obama inherits a poor economy and implements a stimulus package aimed at economic revival. Despite President Obama's declaration of "No pork...No earmarks" the Stimulus Bill has plenty. Will a Great War get America out of this recession? Not to go tangential here, but...Hitler came to power because he played the Blame Game very well...Was that out of line? READ A BOOK PEOPLE!

I actually found this info on MSNBC (

What is an ‘earmark’?In part, the answer hinges on the definition of an “earmark.” Democrats insist they are nowhere in the plan; Republicans see “pork” everywhere. So we cribbed from criteria Congress laid out in a 2007 reform bill: language that aims spending at specific programs, states or localities, often at a member’s request.

Specific location? The Senate stimulus contains $50 million for habitat restoration and other water needs in the San Francisco Bay Area. There is another $62 million for military projects in Guam.
Specific industry? The House bill includes an amendment authored by Democratic Rep. Bruce Braley setting aside $500 million for biofuel makers, which he says, would bring jobs home to Iowa.

Specific program? There’s $198 million to compensate Filipino World War II veterans for their service. Most don’t live in the United States.

Yeah, the Stimulus Bill may help our economy, but for God's sake, listen to me:

1 - The government is gaining ownership of (what once was) the private sector and will continue toward nationwide socialism unless the Liberals are voted out of office.
2 - Our President is not the Messiah and people needs to stop believing in that deceit. Those who don't know history are condemned to relive the mistakes of the past. (can't remember who said that)
3 - I'm getting pissed off spending time offering solutions to America's problems and not being obeyed. I'll be taking a break from such heroics and return to posting pics of my kids. FTW

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