Friday, December 12, 2008

Epic Fail

Every Ford or GM new car dealership I see is packed with brand new cars. Every Ford or GM used-car dealership I see is packed with "previously owned" cars. No matter the discounts, no matter the deals, no one is buying the cars. Some believe the reason for the over-abundance of vehicles is due to a poor economy where consumers can't afford to buy a new car. While others believe it's the higher price of American automobiles (mostly due to Union labor) compared to a comparable import that is to blame. Both are correct.

What's funny, and by funny I mean painfully sad, is that there are a lot of people who believe the American taxpayers should give billions of dollars to companies to make even more of their product that Americans won't/can't buy. It's possible that the only jobs that this automobile bailout will save is the builder of the new parking lots where the new Socialist Cars will gather dust.

1 comment:

Sivart said...

years ago, as an employee for Ford, I saw the end coming. we consistently had hundreds of cars on the storage lot, and dozens more on the sales lot. they were always prepared for the day when hundreds of consumers came in to buy a car. other than that, the cars sat around on a lot they paid several thousands in rent on each month.
I however take solace in the fact that my politically charged girlfriend drives a foreign car made by foreign people, while my truck, First On Race Day, is 100% Americano. (give or take like half the parts that are made in mexico or canada)