Thursday, December 4, 2008

Was it the voice of God (who's possibly pictured below)?

I know the answer, I know every answer, I know everything. Occasionally though, I have moments of blur which prevent me from seeing certain details. It's similar to the paradox: Can God create something so heavy that even He can't lift?

So was it the voice of God? It could have been a guilty conscious. It may have been just gas in my tummy. No matter the source, this was the message: You're a Asshole.

There are countless examples of things I've said or have done that validate this message. But I know (like everything else) what this particular assholishly thing is that this message was referring to.

The night we celebrated Britt's birthday, at Cindy's mom's house, I made a comment about a woman's name that was inappropriate. Mass quantities of beer and jello shooters may have contributed to my vocalization of this truth, but it was inappropriate nonetheless. I kept telling her that, "I don't like that name." And it's true. I don't like the name Samara. Though not as bad as Apple, Gulliver, Ireland or Rachel Maddow...I just don't like it.

I'm not going to apologize for speaking the truth about her name. I will however announce to the world (because this blog is read by everyone in the world) that it was in poor taste, inappropriate and assholish to say that aloud. Hopefully, God, my conscious and/or heartburn will leave me alone now about this.

Since I'm never wrong it's unnecessary for me to correct myself (another paradox may be near). I wrote a birthday message to Jose's sister and it was received without her knowing the sender. She wrote back thanking the unnamed person to which I replied, along with my name, that I hoped to not send her another unanimous message again. Did you catch that? The word anonymous was supposed to be there not unanimous. The fault was not mine, it was the Internet...which means it was Al Gore's fault. Yes, Al Gore caused Angie to receive a message with the wrong word.

Fortunately, I have corrected Mr. Gore's mistake. Wow! I am so awesome.

1 comment:

steph said...

well fortunately for you my friend samara was not offended about you not liking your name but i will pass on your acknowledgement of the fact of how you said being a bit "assholish" as you say. its ok i'm still for your friend!
