Saturday, January 31, 2009

I told you she was growing up!

No more training wheels for my little girl!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Take our guns please!

It's so much safer when guns are illegal...well, for criminals. No law abiding citizen would shoot my family or I. Actually, a law abiding citizen, by definition, can't harm my family. A criminal could though. So banning firearms in America would render law abiding citizens defenseless while guaranteeing a criminal would not face return fire.

Firearms are banned in Mexico. Are law abiding Mexican citizens safe from gun violence?

It seems like every week there's another massacre by gunmen in Mexico. If President Obama, and his liberal hippy douches, make owning a firearm will also make me a criminal, though my family would be safer. Becoming a criminal to help my family, Change I can believe in.

2 Mexican police stations are shot up by gunmen

ENSENADA: Gunmen shot at a municipal police station early yesterday, the second such assault against police this week, the Baja California Attorney General's Office said.
No injuries were reported during the 6 a.m. attack just south of downtown Ensenada. Two vehicles, including one patrol car, were damaged, and bullet holes were found on the outside of the building, the Attorney General's Office said.

Authorities have not determined a motive, but believe the attacks could have been in retaliation for the arrest of Santiago Meza López, 45. He has confessed to dissolving more than 300 bodies for a drug cartel and was arrested last week near Ensenada, according to the Mexican federal Attorney General's Office.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

DMV and playing chicken

It's not that bad going to the DMV. It took about 45 minutes for our number to be called and another five at the window. Even Tommy was all smiles.

Yesterday Tommy and I were playing chicken on our bikes. I, of course, won but Tommy is getting better.


All 177 Republicans and 11 other rational, intelligent and anti-socialist Congressmen voted against President Obama's Stimulus legislation. Unfortunately for America, the House has a majority of left-wing liberal hippy Democrats.

Wow, President Obama sure reached across party lines and brought bipartisanship to America.

Yes, the Senate can still stop this, but those in the Right (the correct, not Conservative) are still a minority. Hopefully, it won't pass so it can be written correctly. But if it does, I hope it makes America strong again.

Hell, the U.S.S.R launched Sputnik! Our Socialists (Democrats) are bound to do some good, right?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Princess is getting older.

Princess Emma is turning five in 12 days. FIVE! I remember so vividly Britt's reaction when she found out Emma was in her tummy. I remember the first time I saw Emma's heartbeat; she looked like a jellybean with a blinking L.E.D.. Well, now my little girl is five and she keeps growing up.

Britt's the one who gave Emma the middle name Grace...maybe it should have been Monkey.
Anyway, her party is next Saturday - for those that speak liberal (ie Sarah) that's the 7th. Yes, the boy turns two. But he's still in diapers so his birthday doesn't really matter. Until he starts caring about my feelings, I'll start caring about his. Who am I kidding? It's pretty cool having the boy around.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

You are an Asshole.

It all started about 8:20 this morning on the 125 on ramp. Everyone but you was obeying the law waiting for their turn. Though the sign clearly states "Two Cars per Green" you decided that didn't apply to you. You are an Asshole and you either:

1 - Can't read. In that case you should not exist in this country let alone drive in it.

2 - Can't count. Again, you should die or go live in France.

3 - Don't care about who you endanger when you drive.

Now, if it is #3 please know that dumbasses like you is why I have to carry so much auto insurance. The cost of repairs to my car and the rental can be quite substantial. But that's not the most important thing, read this carefully (if you are illiterate get someone to read it to you...then go to France):

You drive carelessly anywhere near my kids again, I will punch you in the throat, rip your fucking eyes out and piss in the sockets.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I decided the kids should get their monthly dose of vegetables last night. I even cooked the whole bag of frozen corn kernels so they could have two servings each. There was a small problem with the amount of water that was to be boiled.

Each cup of corn to be cooked required 1/4 cup of water (see picture under Stove Top).

Since I wanted to cook the entire bag I looked to the instructions for the appropriate amount of water.

For every cup of corn I needed 1/4 of water. The bag contains five 2/3 cup servings...or 3 1/3 cups of corn. So, to cook the entire bag I would need to add 5/6 cup of water. Why the Hell couldn't the bag contain 3 cups of corn thus requiring 3/4 cup of water?

This is why my kids are malnurished.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Do you remember?

A couple years ago (four to be exact) the media was in uproar over the $40 million price tag of President Bush's 2nd inauguration. The economy wasn't doing well, America was at war...the administration was demonized on all the liberal media fronts for spending that much money.

Here we are at inauguration time again, but this one will bring CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN. Yes, the economy is very bad. Yes, America is at war. How much will the inauguration cost?


I bet you'll be surprised at this, but I'm all for this party. This is an historic inauguration requiring much joy and celebration. No, I'm not happy about the price. I do wish there was a cap or budget for this sort of thing. But the real kicker is...wait for it...the obvious liberal double standard in American media.

Not one article on CNN or MSNBC talks about the extravagance of this inauguration. Not One! Sure there are a few hits when you search for "Obama Inauguration Price". But I'm not interested in the Limited Edition Minted Coins or the traffic problems the parade will bring.

We should sell tickets to this thing. That would not just generate the revenue to help pay the bill, but it would be the capitalistic thing to do. Oh, I forgot...capitalism is not CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN.

Already an obvious Double Standard...and this is only Day One of the Obama Administration.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Worst, Best, Middle

Two Questions:

1 - Who the hell decided to place the different grades of gas in this order and why does every gas station subscribe to this moronic idea?

The English language (and Spanish too) is meant to be read left to right. Smallest to Largest. Largest to Smallest. Not Smallest, Largest, Medium. I demand that all gas stations change the order of gasoline grades immediately!

2 - How is it possible that the price of gas is changed at the exact same time at every station? I bet every gas station has a red phone that is a direct line to the Oil Czar.
This is similar to the phone that will be installed next Tuesday in the Oval Office. Except that phone is a direct line to Rachel Maddow and instead of determining gas prices she'll instruct President Obama when he has a tough decision to make.