Friday, January 16, 2009

Do you remember?

A couple years ago (four to be exact) the media was in uproar over the $40 million price tag of President Bush's 2nd inauguration. The economy wasn't doing well, America was at war...the administration was demonized on all the liberal media fronts for spending that much money.

Here we are at inauguration time again, but this one will bring CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN. Yes, the economy is very bad. Yes, America is at war. How much will the inauguration cost?


I bet you'll be surprised at this, but I'm all for this party. This is an historic inauguration requiring much joy and celebration. No, I'm not happy about the price. I do wish there was a cap or budget for this sort of thing. But the real kicker is...wait for it...the obvious liberal double standard in American media.

Not one article on CNN or MSNBC talks about the extravagance of this inauguration. Not One! Sure there are a few hits when you search for "Obama Inauguration Price". But I'm not interested in the Limited Edition Minted Coins or the traffic problems the parade will bring.

We should sell tickets to this thing. That would not just generate the revenue to help pay the bill, but it would be the capitalistic thing to do. Oh, I forgot...capitalism is not CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN.

Already an obvious Double Standard...and this is only Day One of the Obama Administration.

1 comment:

Sivart said...

dude, how much did it hurt for you to watch the whole day? and to be fair, the dollar aint what it used to be, so actually, the cost with inflation and gas prices and unemployment is really only $32 more than Bush's.