Thursday, January 22, 2009

You are an Asshole.

It all started about 8:20 this morning on the 125 on ramp. Everyone but you was obeying the law waiting for their turn. Though the sign clearly states "Two Cars per Green" you decided that didn't apply to you. You are an Asshole and you either:

1 - Can't read. In that case you should not exist in this country let alone drive in it.

2 - Can't count. Again, you should die or go live in France.

3 - Don't care about who you endanger when you drive.

Now, if it is #3 please know that dumbasses like you is why I have to carry so much auto insurance. The cost of repairs to my car and the rental can be quite substantial. But that's not the most important thing, read this carefully (if you are illiterate get someone to read it to you...then go to France):

You drive carelessly anywhere near my kids again, I will punch you in the throat, rip your fucking eyes out and piss in the sockets.

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