Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Grand Parent

I've been extremely fortunate to have several Grand Parents in my life. Each one gave me something that not only improved my life, but the life of my children. Their experiences help me to duplicate their successes and keep me from repeating their mistakes. More importantly, though, their influence on America and their outlook on life as a whole is what demands the utmost respect from me towards my Grand Parents.

It's important to note that while grandparents are extremely important in shaping all generations, there are other influences that should be given credit. But not in this post because this one is entitled "Grand Parents" and the focus will be only on their legacy. Yes, bath towels are very important too, so look for a post on them soon.

Recently, my family lost a Grand Mother. I was not close to her and shame on me for not being close. I was, however, positively affected by her and, because of my immaturity, I doubt she knew the extent of her affect. Regret? Yeah, a little, of course. My kids won't remember her, but I will tell them stories and that Grand Mother will continue her positive affect on the family.

Several years ago I lost a Grand Mother that was truly one of a kind. She was the only person that discussed my parents' life with me. I, with her as well, was not very close. Honestly, I don't believe I understood how to be. I do understand that I disappointed her. Immaturity, Narcissism, and plain ego kept me from committing time to talking with her. The wealth of knowledge and experience she was willing to give me, and I didn't give her my ear nearly enough. Regrets? Many. My kids never even met her. They would've made her so happy. And maybe even a little proud of me. More importantly, it would've made her smile.

My Grand Father is probably the most influential Grand Parent to me. I use the present tense, though he passed two years ago, since he continues his influence almost daily. Yes, perhaps all those that have passed can be referred to in the present tense, but this is my blog and my rules (I do change tenses often...I blame http://www.cde.ca.gov/ , you get my intention). Growing up through the Great Depression gave him a very acute value of the dollar. It wasn't frugality, it was necessity. Things had a purpose. If something did not have said purpose, it'd be donated or thrown away. The man was practical. Regrets? Some. I talked with him at great lengths trying to absorb all of his stories about life, war, and family. Tommy never met him, but Emma was able to give him lots of hugs.

Next month will be my Grandma's 90th birthday. Chronologically she's 90, but the woman has the spunk and spirit of most people a quarter of that age. She is the major maternal influence in my life. She raised five kids so I rarely get any sympathy from her when I'm whining about my two. In fact, I think she gets a little pleasure in watching me struggle as a parent. It just verifies her accomplishment of raising 5 as being that incredible. However, she doesn't hesitate to give me a hand when I need help. She's amazing. She has 5 kids, 9 grandkids, 14 (I'm guessing) great-grandkids, and she knows every birthday and anniversary. Sometimes, at her house, I feel like I have curlers in my hair and nibbling on Bon Bons when she and I gossip about family, friends and the occasional politics. I absolutely love her. She is my grandma. and my children adore her as much as I do.

This paragraph is the reason I was compelled to write this entry. Everything until now has been just me babbling (Some may say that's all I do in this blog). Grandparents are different now. There has been an increase in grandparents raising their grandkids, practically as their own. A majority of these situations are caused by lack of discipline, family values, and overall respect kids and new parents have - or rather don't have at all. Even though the title "Grandparent" is given simply because of a child's child is born, it takes an someone special to live up to that title, to truly be a "Grand Parent." Think about that.

Grand: Large and impressive in size, scope, or extent; magnificent
Parent: One who begets, gives birth to, or nurtures and raises a child; a father or mother

Anyone from a fertile family tree can be a grandparent, but only the extraordinary become Grand Parents.

This is true for men as well. Any person with something swinging between their legs can make a baby, but only a man, with patience, wisdom, and love can become a father. My Grand Parents, all of them, have help to sculpt me into the father I am.

Though National Grandparents Day isn't until September, maybe YOU should acknowledge these extraordinary people now, no regrets.


Mama Duck said...

Wow, a post where I wasn't angry or laughing hysterically. I actually teared up...

Mama Duck said...

Another reason why you are the absolute love of my life. I cannot live without you my sweet husband.